Monday, November 9, 2009

Tare zamin par

Thanks aunt K for bringing this up.
Last week when aunt M was visiting us, a hilarious episode happened.

TV was at her dinner table, almost done with eating and now on sipping water from her cup.
It seemed like she sipped in a bit too much and that made her cough. I could see the teary eyed TV, barely managing to stop coughing, while aunt M was subbing her back to soothe.
The moment the cough stopped, TV - still tears in her eyes, and water in her nose and mouth - looked up, just over her head, and asked, 'hey konte ae? (her current favorite question, to the effect - what is this?)

Looking at her condition and then looking above her, where she was pointing (there was nothing visible to me), there was only one thing I thought she could be refering to - din ke tare (seeing stars in vision).

'Are you refering to these stars around your head?' I asked, rather mischieviously.

TV nodded. A pause later, she looked up and said, quite animatedly with hands in the air (a typical TV), 'GONE'

'Sure'. and we all laughed. Sometimes it really helps to keep your sense of humor intact.

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