Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Watching TV (television)

Have been following new and views about toddlers watching Televesion. Very often the parents are pretty much in favor of their tots (age upto 3years)watching TV. Researchers say, although there's no harm in TV viewing by tots for a short span, there's no significant gain. Some researchers also state that exposing kids to TV animation, violence (even the tom and jerry types) and video games, has a negative impact on kids' attention span and emotional quotient.

So, in a nuclear family, with limited domestic support, husband in a demanding career and as the only caretaker/entertainer during the day, for me to show (TV) or not to show is the question.

TV has been a good tot (especially after her first birthday), in that she can keep herself occupied for a good span (upto 30 min). We do a lot of things indoors - paint, read, puppet play, play, water play, bubbles, cook, play house, push cart, run, talk et al. She herself does a lot of things on her own - watch me, inspect things, spot things in newspapers, books, talk. With some music in the background and two enthu ladies (TV and I) our house is quite vibrant during the day, even with just the 2 of us.

Yet, there are times, while cooking or attending an important phone call, writing or just when wanting some time off, I feel like resorting to this 'new age baby sitter' called TV that is just a button away.

Well, starting from the beginning, we hardly turned the TV on, until our lil TV was 1 year old - even us, the parents hardly watched any TV. (and we didnt miss much)

I distinctly remember that I first showed 'Mickey Mouse Clubhouse' to TV in her November, when she was close to 1. She loved it. Till that time, she would have possibly noticed this black window/painting/glass/mirror/frame on the wall. As, when it worked the first time, she was baffled, mesmerised and completely awed at what she was seeing.

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